・• Champions •・

During the long years of working in cynology, several very successful dogs passed through my hands. Each of them was unique and something special. I am most pleased with the successes of my offspring. Whether they were Bernese Mountain Dogs, Landseers or Puli, born here or imported from abroad, each of them has a special place in my heart or in my memories to this day.

Let me introduce the most successful ones:

C.I.B. Ludas Matyi Szerelem – Mia, the most successful female we have had so far, World Champion 2023 and the founder of puli breeding in Čierna hviezda.
Ch. Gémeskút Abruzs – Morzsi, our first puli with a big heart and character.
JCh. Amaryllis Čierna hviezda – Mazsola, faithful black bullet with beautiful eyes.
JCh. Alchemilla Čierna hviezda – Minnie, the one who wasn’t originally supposed to live with us but ended up staying, Junior World Champion 2023.

C.I.B. Odile vom Köllerhof – Oda, European winner and multi-champion, favorite of our family.
Ch. Omar Czarczia farma – Harry, who was only with us for a short time.

Bernese Mountain Dog
Ch. Cita Jazar – the founder of the Bernese mountain dog breed in Čierna hviezda.
ICh. Delilah z Ochoze – Lili, the most successful swiss mountain dog in 2007 in Slovakia.
Ch. Bajka Econ – our adopted, endlessly loving Nela.
Ch. Doremis Zatopeck imported swedish boy Emil, living in co-ownership with the Čalovské lúky kennel.
Ch. Astor Čierna hviezda – Hungarian champion and our first born.
ICh. Eddy Čierna hviezda – living in far away Israel with a wonderful family.
Ch. Felicity Čierna hviezda – a worker who also took the IPO exam.
Ch. Galileo Čierna hviezda – Hungarian champion and Youth Club winner.
ICh. Jovita Jetta Čierna hviezda – Emil’s first-born daughter, living in distant Canada.
Ch. Lucky Lollipop Čierna hviezda – beautiful Slovak champion, daughter of lovely Lili.

Felicity Čierna hviezda

ICh. ODILE vom Köllerhof

CAN CH. JOVITTA JETTA Čierna hviezda

CAN Ch. JOVITA JETTA Čierna hviezda