Dogs we were lucky enough to spend some beautiful years with them.
We will never forget!
Ch. Gémeskút Abruzs “Morzsi”
26.07.2006 – 23.06.2023
Morzsi was our first puli. A faithful friend and guardian who accompanied us for almost 17 years. He brought many new friends into our lives.

Ch. Omar Czarcia farma
Omar, called Harry, brought to our lives new friends, activities and a desire to go to shows again. Due to incurable illness, we took a very difficult decision and we said goodbye to him in summer 2018.
ICh. Delilah z Ochoze
Delilah, I called her Lili, became the founder of a new generation. I spent six short, yet eventful years with her.

Ch. Bajka Econ
Bajka had typical temperament representative of breed. Bajka had typical temperament representative of breed. Fearless bitch ready to solve all affairs aroud the yard and faithful companion for long walks at the same time.
Ch. Cita Jazar
Cita was the bitch that helped me develop a taste for dog show success. The birth of the first litter in 2000 marked the beginning of my own kennel, Čierna hviezda.