・• CACIB Pápa •・

After happy days at home, it was time to go to dog shows. CACIB Pápa in Hungary was our choice for the first steps in show ring. Our youngest were accompanied by the more experienced Alchemilla in the intermedia class. BoIt was a tough weekend. The heat was unrelenting at times, which is why we entered the final competition only on Saturday. Both Bonbon and Bubblette learned a lot this weekend. They’ve had their great moments and sullen moments in the rings, but that’s part of puppyhood. I am very pleased that they both met the conditions for the title of Hungaria Minor Puppy Winner. During three days, our dogs were evaluated by Erdos Laszló, Burunkai Patrícia and Gerard Jipping. Thank you for the nice ratings.

Bonbon Čierna hviezda
3 x Very promising 1, 3 x Best Minor Puppy
Bubblette Čierna hviezda
3 x Verry promising 1
CH. Alchemilla Čierna hviezda
3 x CAC

Photo credit dog-foto.com

Bonbon Čierna hviezda
3 x Veľmi nádejný 1, 3x Best Minor Puppy