Welcome new puppies!

On today’s hot day, puppies were born – litter “C” Čierna hviezda after HCH. Ludas Matyi Pandúr and WW., CIB-J, CH. Amaryllis Čierna hviezda. The puppies and mom Amaryllis is doing very well. Two males Crocus and Clematis, and two females Cattleya and Campanula are looking for their new homes. Do not hesitate to contact […]
Dog festival Veľká Ida

We continue with the summer dog show season and that’s how we came to Velka Ida. It is a very nicely organized exhibition, in the surroundings of the castle park with plenty of shade on hot days. Judges from Hungary judged the puli breed for all three days. Our dogs were awarded the highest titles […]

After happy days at home, it was time to go to dog shows. CACIB Pápa in Hungary was our choice for the first steps in show ring. Our youngest were accompanied by the more experienced Alchemilla in the intermedia class. BoIt was a tough weekend. The heat was unrelenting at times, which is why we […]
We are 2 months old!

Puppies Bonbon and Bubblette are already two months old! They have had their first vaccinations and are starting to get to know the world outside their safe home. Both cheerful black fleas remain in our kennel for now and we will see what fate has in store for them. photogallery
Amaryllis is the World Winner 2024!

The World Dog Show was held in Zagreb and we participated again. This time, only Amaryllis was shown,in addition to the World Dog Show I also entered her for accompanying exhibitions. Amaryllis just didn’t have her day and so we took home a grade of very good with the judge’s comment that she didn’t perform […]
Puppies are born!

Welcome! Litter “B” Čierna hviezda is finally born. At the beginning of March, two beautiful puppies from the AKC CH. Bubbleton Levitating Bubble and WW., CIB. Ludas Matyi Szerelem were born. Male Bonbon and female Bubblette are doing well, as is their mother Mia. In this litter, the lines of two world-famous kennels were combined. […]
Nitradog Pribina Cup

The first exhibition in Slovakia was held in Nitra. This time, Amaryllis was registered. I was pleased to see many of our friends. Amaryllis performed very nicely and took home the BOB title after both days. Thank you for the nice critics to the judges. 16.02.2024 CAC, CACIB, BOB Judge: Margineanu Calin, RO 17.02.2024 CAC, […]
Slovenian Champion

The exhibition season started this time in Slovenia. Alchemilla ‘Minnie” and Amaryllis “Mazsola” took part at CACIB/CAC/CACIB CELJE shows last weekend. They did great in intermedia/open class and fulfilled conditions for their first adult championship at the age of 16 months, wow. On top of that, Alchemilla started her international championship with CACIB on Saturday. […]
30th anniversary SKJ

The Slovak Kennel Club celebrated its 30th Anniversary, and on this occasion, awards for the development of Slovak cynology were also awarded. I am very pleased that my continuous work in clubs and in breeding was awarded with a wonderful Silver medal of the SKJ in the category breeding. I really appreciate this important award. […]
Nitradog 2023

I enjoyed the last show of the year as a visitor, exhibitor, and judge, and it was spiced up by the judging exams. So let’s go step by step. Amaryllis was presented at the exhibition on Friday. Again, I took it as training and at the same time a dog for student judges. Amaryllis was […]