Duodanube Bratislava, SK 18-20.08.2023.
Slovak Junior champion – Alchemilla Čierna hviezda “Minnie”.
Hot days in Bratislava brought us beautiful victories for Minnie and thus a new junior champion was added to our family. My deepest thanks to the judges for the nice critics and awards, which I appreciate very much.
Alchemilla Čierna hviezda “Minnie” – CAJC, Junior CACIB, BOJ, BOB. Judge: Mariola Semik, PL.
Alchemilla Čierna hviezda “Minnie” – CAJC, Junior CACIB, BOJ, BOB. Judge: Milan Krinke, CZ
Junior Best in Group TOP 3. Judge: Vlado Piskay, SK.
Alchemilla Čierna hviezda “Minnie” – CAJC, Junior CACIB, BOJ, BOB. Judge: Andras Polgar, RS.
We are very happy.