I enjoyed the last show of the year as a visitor, exhibitor, and judge, and it was spiced up by the judging exams. So let’s go step by step. Amaryllis was presented at the exhibition on Friday. Again, I took it as training and at the same time a dog for student judges. Amaryllis was judged by Milivoje Urošević. He liked Amaryllis very much and she took away the beautiful titles CAJC, J-CACIB, BOJ, BOB. On Saturday, I successfully passed the tests for the schnauzer breed. On Sunday, more than 80 dogs were waiting for me in the ring. The assessment was time-consuming, because we had a student judge and I wanted to explain as much as possible to her. But with great staff and prepared exhibitors, we did it according to the prescribed time schedule. In the final competitions, I chose The Best Puppy of the exhibition. Beautiful dogs were shown, unfortunately, there is only one winner. Mine was a female of the national breed Wirehaired Slovakian pointer. I congratulate all the awardees and I look forward to the next meetings.