・• World Dog Show Geneve •・

World Dog Show, Geneve, CH.
24th August 2023

Judge: Korózs-Papp Judit, HU

What a day for my girls it was! The preparation for this prestigious exhibition was lengthy and started several months before the exhibition itself. We entered the ring with humility, the judge was a breed specialist from Hungary and I consider her opinion very valuable. I consider her opinion very valuable. The girls showed themselves in excellent shape. Especially Minnie, who showed her true puli spirit perfectly and thus made difficult moments for me in the ring.

World Winner 2023

C.I.B. Ludas Matyi Szerelem „Mia“CAC, CACIB, WW´03, BOS and Swiss Champion.

Junior World Winner 2023

JCH. Alchemilla Čierna Hviezda “Minnie”– CAC-Junior, CACIB – J, JWW´03, BOJ, she fulfilled conditions for International Junior Champion.

This time Amaryllis bowed her head in front of her sister and placed in a beautiful third place.

I am very grateful for the constant support and advices from Ferenc Antal. Without his involvement, there wouldn’t even be litter “A” Čierna hviezda with Gémeskút bloodlines. THANK YOU.

Alexandra, our lovely friend and handler, was not able to come this time. But credit goes to her – longterm and constant training brought its fruit and I showed my dogs in a ring with confidence.

Balázs – my big thanks goes to you too. I still remember first photo shoots of Mia. And four years later – here we are standind as winners and waiting for your nice shoots again:)

Anna – thank you for your lovely company and great support in handling girls. I know – it was a last minute request, but you did a great job! Minnie is in love with you – and Mazsola too.

Last but not least – family and friends – thank you for all lovely messages and support! I appreciate it much.

C.I.B. Ludas Matyi Szerelem  „Mia“  CAC, CACIB, WW´03, BOS a Šampión Švajčiarska